
The Rhythm Within!

When we hear the word percussion, some may think it’s grabbing a drumstick and beating their frustrations out on a drum set.   Others may think of a circle comprised of various bongos, djembe and maracas.  Percussion is extremely versatile in providing residents with a voice as well as a rhythm that can both relax and uplift.   Did you know percussion, as a one-on-one, is a great activity for residents with cognitive decline?

The approach I had was simple and turned out to be a lot of fun!   Think of it like a game of “Simon Says” with a pair of drumsticks and an exercise ball.    I strike the ball four times with a steady beat and the resident repeats the “phrase”.   Each round gets slightly more complicated with rhythms, culminating to both hands operating independently (if they can).  The ball that sits between us is a shared space that provides unity and comfort as some patterns are played together.   That’s the key word here – Togetherness.  Taking a break, having a laugh, allowing the resident to do their own percussion pattern while you, the activities professional, repeat the phrase back.    It’s the beauty of one-on-one with percussion!   You can fine tune the activity by taking it down a notch for one resident while stepping up the game for another.

Activities should always be “person appropriate.”  This is especially true in a healthcare setting where some may be undergoing cognitive decline due to dementia or Alzheimer’s.  As an activity professional, it’s important to do your best with everyone’s needs to create an activity.  This is one of the many reasons why I enjoy working here at Moravian Village!  Smaller class sizes create a more intimate experience that can go the extra mile enriching the lives of our residents from the Cottages to the Suites to Healthcare.



David A Seaman

Life Enrichment Manager

Moravian Village